
“Jared Knox is a young professional artist from Marietta, Georgia, now based in Atlanta. He is an Auburn graduate of 2021 and graduated with a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. Jared’s love for God, nature, and family have shaped him not only into the man he is today but also into the brilliant artist he proves to be.”

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“I grew up the middle child between an older brother and younger sister, quickly taking to sports, the outdoors, and of course art. From a young age it was evident that I was blessed with the ability to draw, although it became a side hobby and small business as my life grew busy. I played quarterback for the high school football team, and played tennis as well. Upon reaching college, the idea of pursuing art as a career was never even a thought, as I planned on pursuing a career in the multi-generational family business.

After a few years of chugging numbers in the college of engineering at Auburn, I felt the Lord calling me to go to go overseas as a missionary to share the gospel. Being raised in a Christ centered home I always had a relationship with Christ but it took several years for me to realize how blessed I was to be born into a Christian community. Learning that forty percent of the world had never even heard the name of Jesus and could never receive His love and peace broke my heart, so I felt the need to give my life to change that fact in some way.

I sought after a job that would allow me to be mobile for the missions field, and after over a year of prayer, the Lord showed me why He had blessed me with my talent for art in the first place. This career path allows for so much freedom - I am blessed to be able to create art from any location and be my own boss, being ready for the call to whatever people group the Lord calls me toward at any time. Until I receive that call, I am working on creating this art business as a platform from which I can launch and sustain future ministry, while at the same time being trained for that mission field.” - Jared Knox

Jared has become well known in Georgia’s conservation efforts. His work is on the new GA Fishing License, and he was one of the two featured artists for the Georgia Department of Natural Resource’s Weekend for Wildlife in 2023 and will be again in 2024. His work has also been purchased by major sporting businesses including Daniel Defense and Duck Commander. Starting this fall, Jared will be the featured artist for the next four years at Onward Reserve- his wildlife and western artwork will be displayed in their stores and on their merchandise.

Want to see the art in person?

Whiteside Art Gallery

Nestled on highway 64 between Highlands and Cashiers, N.C., this old church now holds some of the south’s finest artwork.

High Country Art Gallery

In Blue Ridge GA, this eclectic mountain gallery displays incredible wildlife and landscape art from across the south.


Artist Statement

“My goal is to reflect my love for Jesus Christ through my art by bringing glory to His creation. The things that have brought joy to my life are the very things that are represented in my art. These subjects will include wildlife, sports scenes, and important figures. Upon viewing my portraits, I hope that my audience will escape with a nostalgic memory of the portrayed character. I hope that my wildlife-focused paintings allow the viewer to withdraw into a raw , one on one experience with the subject. This ability to create has been an incredible yet random blessing, and the only proper response to receiving this gift is tom worship God with it. God the Creator is the ultimate artist, we can only hope to glorify Him by making reflections of what He has already created. My art is a celebration of His love and majesty.”


“Many of these paintings include a wide variety of acrylic colors oriented to show the motion of life being portrayed. Others of these works have much more life like detail in which I challenge myself to reflect the subject more accurately. Each piece of art I have created is incredibly unique and provides a distinctive challenge. I am honored to share my art with all who view it and hope the viewer can associate each image with their own personal memories.”

— Jared Knox